About Us

The mission is increasing the sea turtles population globally. We work closely with the Sri Lanka Wild life Department. The project is located close to the traditional fishery harbour in the Galbokka village. Also there is a big coral reef and there are lot of sea turtles live in there. Therefore we started the project that reason. Also there are lot of fishing boats and some turtles entangle with nets and they become some injuries. There are 5 types of turtle species come to this area for nesting and they lay out the eggs. Hatched the eggs and released more than thousand baby turtles to the ocean. Also we provide food and rehabilitation facilities to the disable sea turtles.


Meet our Lifesaver



How do we help?

For a very long time turtles were unprotected, but since the 1980s, Scientists have monitored nesting activities. Nest was laid during the night. When a nest is found, we build a barrier around it to protect it. If a nest is in danger of tidal inundation or storm water run off, to relocate it to a safer location. The nest is then monitored throughout incubation, which is about two months (50-60 days).

When we see hatchling tracks coming from the nest we follow them to be sure they reached the water safely. If hatchlings have disoriented we follow their tracks to find as many survivors as possible and document any possible light sources. Several days after the hatchlings have left the nest we excavate the nest and take an inventory of how many eggs were laid and how many hatched.

Sometimes we find live or dead hatchlings, and unhatched eggs.

Any live hatchlings found in the nest are released on the beach to begin their journey.